2012 RxCADRE (The Prescribed Fire-Combustion, Atmospheric Dynamics Experiment)
Data Set for Fuels, Fire Behavior, Smoke, and Fire Effects Model Development and Evaluation – the RxCADRE Project
The RxCADRE campaign was a major, multi agency field study funded by the the Joint Fire Science Program. SJSU's role was leading the fire weather and meteorological measurements for the project.
OVERVIEW-The availability of integrated, quality-assured fuels, fire, and atmospheric data for development and evaluation of fuels, fire behavior, smoke, and fire effects models is limited. The lack of co-located, multi-scale measures of prefire fuels, active fire processes, and post-fire effects hinders our ability to tackle fundamental fire science questions. The lack of such datasets became clear following discussions within the Core Fire Science Caucus, a group of 30 scientists that meet periodically to discuss fire behavior research, identify knowledge gaps, and outline a strategic direction for continued research. Consequently, the Caucus pooled their own operational and in-kind resources and collaboratively instrumented and collected fire and fuels data on prescribed fires in the southeastern United States in a research effort called the Prescribed Fire Combustion and Atmospheric Dynamics Research Experiment (RxCADRE)1 . RxCADRE enabled scientists to develop processes for collecting complementary research data across fire-related disciplines before, during, and after the active burning periods of prescribed fires with the goal of developing synergies between fuels, fuel consumption, fire behavior, smoke management, and fire effects measurements for fire model development and evaluation.
Doppler lidar backscatter intensity indicating smoke plume dispersion during the S4 burn, November 2012.