SJSU FireLab Surface Weather Station Network

The Lab maintains a network of surface weather stations around the Bay Area. We collect a variety of data including temperature, relative humidity, wind speed and direction, solar radiation, rainfall, dead fuel moisture, and soil moisture. Data from these stations are ingressed by several methods and data are processed / QC’d on an SJSU server. Data are then sent to Synoptic, PBC (formerly MesoWest) for public access and display. The Lab also runs plotting code to visualize these data on our surface weather page at

Below is a list of our stations by brand / type:


  • Calero (Calero Reservoir)

  • Orestimba Creek (Henry Coe)

  • Portable #1

Campbell Scientific RAWS

Campbell Scientific Experimental Stations

  • Blackberry Hill

  • PG&E San Ramon

  • CZU Soil Moisture (coming soon)

  • Mobile station on our lidar truck

Campbell Scientific Basic Weather Stations