RaDFIRE-Rapid Deployments to Wildfires Experiment
RaPid Deployments to Wildfires
One of the key aspects of RaDFIRE was the use of a mobile atmospheric profiling system to study active wildfires from near the fire front.
Plume Dynamics
One of the core research goals of RaDFIRE was to gain a better understanding of plume dynamics and their role on extreme fire behavior.
A suite of articles have been published in top journals highlighting our key findings. Many of these findings have led to new hypotheses and a proposed second field campaign.
Clements, C.B., N.P. Lareau, D. E. Kingmill, C. L. Bowers, C. P. Camacho, R. Bagley, and B. Davis, 2018: RaDFIRE-The Rapid Deployments to Wildfires Experiment: observations from the fire front. Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society. 99, 2539-2559. [link]
Lareau, N.P., and Clements, C.B., 2017: The Mean and Turbulent Properties of a Wildfire Convective Plume, Journal of Applied Meteorology and Climatology, 56(8), 2289–2299. [link]
Lareau, N. P. and C.B. Clements, 2016: Environmental controls on pyrocumulus and pyrocumulonimbus initiation and development, Atmos. Chem. Phys. 16, 4005-4022 [link]
Lareau, N. P. and C.B. Clements, 2015: Cold Smoke: smoke-induced density currents cause unexpected smoke transport near large wildfires, Atmos. Chem. Phys., 15, 11513-11520, doi:10.5194/acp-15-11513-2015, 2015. [link]